{diy string closure envelopes.}

for the last month and a half, i have been in wedding planning mode to the extreme.  i LOVE planning events, parties, and such.  now, i literally feel like i was born to plan weddings my wedding {there is no way i could put up with other brides}.  anyways, i am on a mission to make my own decorations, stationery, etc. whenever possible.  when i realized that string envelopes were either expensive or difficult to find in the specific size that i wanted, i decided to make my own.  i guess these are technically semi-diy since i bought the envelopes and just added the string closure aspect.  regardless, i got the exact envelopes that i wanted.  you could make your own envelopes out of cardstock to make any size that you want.




-mini brads 




i used my cricut to cut small discs from the cardstock.  you can use a paper punch if you don’t have a cricut.



use a brad to attach a disc to the center of the envelope flap.  use another brad to attach a disc to the center of the envelope, directly below the disc on the envelope flap.


cut a piece of string to the length desired and wrap one end around the top disc.  wrap the other end around the bottom disc to close the envelope.




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